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Results: In some elementary schools the subject of spelling has disappeared. Do you think in the age of auto-correct and spell check that children should still learn how to spell words correctly?

Published on 09/16/2014
By: couponowl18
In some elementary schools the subject of spelling has disappeared. Do you think in the age of auto-correct and spell check that children should still learn how to spell words correctly?
1723 votes
169 votes
186 votes
Other (please specify)
3 votes
  • how will they know that spell check is correct unless they know how to spell the word correctly in the first place.
  • really?!
  • ridiculous for a child not to be taught how to spell by themselves
  • learn when what i was taught
  • deafennetlee! lol
  • kids today are not as smart as kids of my time. yes, they have more electronic stuff to use and they have access to almost every known fact on earth, but overall they are still very dumb in the ways of the world and how to properly live in it.
  • -
  • kids still need to learn to spell!
  • a lot of kids=people dont spell correctly and they get by
  • none
  • you never know when it may come in handy
  • my kids still have spelling in their schools. no worries
  • great idea
  • kids still need to think for themselves
  • of course
  • in any age
  • no
  • no
  • they may want to write something someday, especially if power goes off, and they don't want to look like a dunce.
  • auto correct does not always catch everything therefore spelling needs to be taught
  • if that ever happens... heaven help us all.
  • but not until first grade. we administer spelling to k at our school and is a waste of time. toooo early!
  • n
  • having an app for something desn't dismiss the fact that it needs to be learned
  • absolutely!! high tech prod. aren't good for the schooling of children.
  • this should not even be up for debate
  • there is too much depending on machines to do one's own brain work!!!
  • or else they will never learn to write.
  • na
  • na
  • grammar spelling should always be taught
  • people don't know how to talk much less spell a word!!!
  • typos happen to even the most conscientious spellers. but with all the references out there, offline and off, there is no excuse for consistently bad spelling. solution? just type the word you're not sure about in a search box and you'll get oodles of help. maybe even too much. :-)
  • what is school for if not for teaching? correct grammar and spelling should never go out of style.
  • it is important for kids to know how to spell
  • ?
  • they keep getting dumber and dumber. and the schools and parents allow it.
  • do you think your pants would fall off without a belt?
  • definitely yes because you can not always use auto correct and i have always liked spelling.
  • na
  • proper spelling is important.
  • if they ever need to write a letter or fill in an application for a job they better know how to spell or they wont get the job.
  • all children need to learn the basics. if you depend on a computer for everything, you are not using your own brain.
  • with so many sound alike words with large differences in meaning, spelling is still quite important to learn.
  • reading some comments for people on the internet hurts - especially when they are middle aged people. how do you forget how to use grammar?!
  • more needed than ever because we rely too much on spell check
  • children should learn the spellings by heart , it's good for their memory
  • the only thing i ever took 1st place in was a state spelling bee. now, 40 years later, i can't spell. machines thinking for us doesn't seem like a good thing.
  • auto-correct is not always correct.
  • you can take spelling anywhere
  • all kids need to learn how to spell.
  • also, learn to speak correctly. it bitten not bit, broken not broke, & isn't not ain't.
  • maybe, maybe not. english spelling is illogical anyway.
  • i think that dropping certain things like spelling and cursive writing is outrageous. the schools are letting our children to be less educated than we were when we went to school and that is a shame.
  • this is a stupid question. why are people becoming so lazy? why wouldn't you want your child to know how to spell. it is an essential part of learning; especially if you want to succeed in life! i can't even believe it has come to this.
  • it is essential. there won't be a computer around all the time
  • h
  • spelling is a big part of reading and understanding words and a person sees them. without understanding how to spell words properly, writing will itself will be a lost form. plus, spell check is not always accurate.
  • and read more too!
  • the school system is a joke nowadays
  • they stll need to know how to spell
  • none
  • technology is making our kids oldest(21) can barely spell simple words...
  • no
  • oh my goodness
  • how can they choose not to teach spelling? machines can't think. the cannot distinguish between homophones or homographs! where has this been happening? please let me know, so i never ever consider going there.
  • with texting they will never know how to spell
  • this generation has it too easy they don't have to work or think for themselves
  • absolutely!!!
  • things have become to computerized and easy. kids should still learn how to spell,write, and tell time on a normal clock rather than digital
  • i think the easiest way to learn spelling is by reading a lot, rather than rote memorization.
  • not always.... some children need phonetics in order to help them sound the words to be able to spell them correctly.
  • basics are very important.
  • n/a
  • grammar is so horrible these days, please don't stop teaching our children how to properly spell words.
  • they also should learn to write well too.
  • hate when people dont know the correct spelling
  • uh, yes? obviously.
  • absolutely!
  • school lecture and instruction has declined
  • it's getting scary how much we depend on computers. if they all went away today most of society would collapse. lots of people wouldn't even know how to cook over a fire.
  • children that come out of schools cannot work without a computer or an adding machine
  • idc what is spelling?
  • our future generations need to retain our written and oral language .
  • na
  • my daughter could spell a lot of words out loud before she started school. spelling is crucial if you want to get a job, what about if you want to learn another language, me, i can't learn french because my husband cannot spell it for me! i need to know how it is spelled to say it correctly.
  • we depend too much on technology, using script and pen and paper is still very much needed.
  • so many things are disappearing, spelling and handwriting are two things that need to be taught in school.
  • zxzcvbsf
  • you may not always have access to spell check and often spell check does not pick up everything. i know in the science world writing a paper often has red everywhere as it does not pick up on scientific naming.
  • duz thes lewk write? - no!
  • the age of technology has made kids illiterate
  • and learn basic math as well
  • stupid teachers
  • we need too go back to old school teaching
  • no
  • technology is making it to easy for children to coast by.
  • it also promote good reading to know how to pronounce the words correct.
  • i'm rather bad at spelling due to dyslexia, i am a writer and spend a lot of time reading, yet it never seems to help my spelling. sometimes in the english language, there are words that are spelled so far from how you would expect from the sound alone,
  • auto correct isn't correct all the time
  • children should learn to think for themselves and not rely on modern technology.
  • kids need spelling.
  • no commint
  • are you kidding me!!???? no wonder why no one can spell anymore!
  • yes, just as i believe children should learn to calculate math problems without the use of a calculator.
  • wouldn't hurt
  • spell check doesn't check spelling exactly - you can write manger and you are fine with spell check - but your manager will not be impressed!
  • spelling is an important part of language and should never be taken away from the curriculum.
  • what if the child is not near a auto correct? then what?
  • why would they take out spelling in schools? that was one of the most important subjects in my day!
  • if everything is left to the computer they will be in dire straights if the net is not available.
  • even wors is da fact thatda kalcultar prevents childin from doing mathimatical computations indanpendantly ( he he he)
  • none
  • sometimes auto correct is wrong.
  • that leads to illiteracy.
  • of course
  • stupid is as stupid does
  • if you cant spell how can you be expected to read properly?
  • oh course we are teaching a generation of illiterates.
  • you don't always have auto correct even in this day and age and i looks so dumb on paper if even simple words are misspelled
  • na
  • like with a calculator, understanding the basics yourself allows you to catch errors that the so-called "smart" phones miss. having a good idea of how to sound out and spell a word before using it (as well as understanding what it really means) is essential to clear communication.
  • im a teacher!!!!!!!!
  • i can;t spell and it's ruined my whole life.
  • their are dump enough
  • its good 2 know how 2 spell the real word u no!!!
  • they should also learn english grammar, times tables and cursive writing.
  • the foundations should still be taught. how else can we ensure a modicum of self reliance for future generations?!
  • absolutely. i don't know how many times computers have failed, and people don't know how to add/subtract, or document medical info in charts. let alone spelling!
  • makes them dumb otherwise
  • if they can't spell...can they read?
  • there was nothing wrong with it when i was a child
  • kids still need to know how to spell words even with auto correct because what if these machines do not work
  • start going back to basics.... computers are only as good as the person typing!
  • its my pet peeve,children are not taught the fundamentals of reading and writing
  • spelling and reading go hand in hand
  • n/a
  • maybe if they read a lot
  • they still need to know sounds and letters that make up words since it helps with learning to read!
  • it's ridiculous that they would even question this matter!
  • auto correct doesnt always work
  • what a stupid question.
  • spelling good
  • it our area, it is still a subject
  • we are raising kids who can not think for themselves.
  • no
  • seriously? this is a question? yes, i still think children should learn to spell.
  • still important to know how to spell!!!!
Other Answers Percentage Votes
n/w 0.05% 1
teach not learn 0.05% 1
na 0.05% 1