11 Different Cars Crash Into Same Home
A home is usually viewed as a place that people feel the safest. However, for one couple in Indiana this idea was challenged after they had 11 different cars crash into their house over a 30-year period. In fact, according to the residents of this home, approximately every three years, one car will crash into their house. The reason for this high rate of crashes they claim is due to the fact that their house is located close railway tracks that are raised above ground. Therefore, when drivers are driver two fast over the tracks; their car may lose control and veer into the direction of the home.
Interestingly, despite the apparent dangers of living in their home, the Indiana couple has stated that they love their home and do not want to move out. This is understandable considering that the couple has been living at their house since 1979; however, the question to ask is when is a home no longer a home?
In order to find out people opinions on this situation, Tellwut Corp conducting an online survey to poll their panel members about this topic. After learning about this new story, panel members were asked whether they were surprised to find out that the couple did not want to move out of their home after 11 cars crashed into their home? Survey results found that 58% of voters were surprised that the couple did not want to move out. This relation to this vote on panel member (sa_smiles) was quoted as stating “That’s crazy if they are attached that much too their house they should just pay to move the house itself somewhere safer. That’s too dangerous and too risky with a family if that keeps on occurring.”
In contrast, 30% of voters were not surprised that the couple did not want to move out and 12% of voters remained undecided.
Panel members were asked whether they would move out of their house if they were in a similar situation surveys results showed that 66% of voters would move out, while 12% indicated that they would not move out and the remaining 22% of voters were undecided regarding this particular situation.
When panel members were asked how many car accidents into your home would it take before you decide to move out, survey results indicated that 14% of voters would move out after the first accident; 30% would move after the second the accident; 18% would move out after the third crash; 2% would move after the fourth accident; 2% would move after the fifth accident; 29% chose not applicable and 1% voted other.
Whether or not the couple will eventually choose to leave their home; all that will matter in the end is that they feel comfortable where they live.