Survey Answer Types for Accurate Information and Feedback
Crafting the right questions is extremely important and to see how to do that you can click here. However, providing the right answer designs is just as important as asking the right questions! There are a lot of options for survey answer types. The types of answers you can choose between using the Tellwut software are: Dichotomous Questions, also known as YES/NO types of questions; Multiple Choice-One Answer Allowed, Multiple Choice- Multiple Answers Allowed, Fill in the blank (Open Box), Fill in the blank (Multiple Boxes), Rating and Matrix.
YES/NO types of answers are great screening answers. They allow you to easily sort your participants depending on their answers. Let’s say you want to find out who has already used your services. Yes/No type of answers can easily help you with that. Once this is determined,branching out takes place in your survey and allows you to ask different questions depending on whether they have responded yes or no to your question. This allows you to gain insights and data from the people who use your services and the ones who don’t.
Multiple Choice- One Answer Allowed or Multiple Answers Allowed are a great alternative if you would like to gain more detailed information by providing survey participants with options to choose from. When listing the multiple answers, it would be best to include all the possible options you can think of and add “Other“ in case, there might be some other answer then the listed.
Fill in the Blank (One box/ Multiple Boxes) is an option for you when you are looking for more qualitative and not much of a quantitative response since this type of response is hard to measure. This may not be as cut and dry as a single response question but they provide deeper insight to your question that you may find extremely helpful. It is a great option to collect testimonials and quotes, if you are looking to build your brand (But make sure you ask for permission first). Although these answers are great, they should not be the predominant option in a survey since they are time consuming. They are a great way to dig a little deeper for information only when necessary.
One Box: You have stated in your previous answer that you have had a negative experience with us. Please tell us more about it.
Multiple Boxes: You have stated that that you did not find the products you were looking for in our store. Which were the items you were looking for and could not find?
Rating Type Answer is a great option when you want to find out for example how people rank your products or services. With this type of rating answer it is easy to measure the importance since every answer has a weight that you choose to apply to the question. Let’s say that Tellwut want to know how people perceive the importance of the following features: Survey Welcome Message, End Message, Exit Link feature, and Logo Feature. The ranking is from 1-4 and 1 is being the most important and 4 being the least important. This is a great alternative to understand what people favor the most and calculate the rating average.
Matrix Design of Answer is another way to rate in a survey: importance, satisfaction, frequency, etc.
Matrix Design Answer is a chart with horizontal and vertical options that are provided for survey participants to rate features.
The rows usually list the factors, features, qualities that survey participants need to consider and the columns- the rating options which can be numbers from 1 to 5 (1 being the extremely important and five- the least important), frequency (extremely often, very often, often, sometimes, rarely, never), satisfaction (extremely satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied, somehow satisfied, not satisfied). For reference please see the image below.
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Happy Surveying!