Tellwut CA Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points - August 5 2021
Tellwut News
Our 4 winners for the July Summer Blockbusters promotion is: lisadykes, meredi5, Chalet and CindyC. Our August promotion starts Tuesday, August 9!
Our weekly winner of 4000 points for participating in external surveys is : jbren!
EVERY attempt to participate in a third party survey OR complete one, will give you an entry into a WEEKLY draw for 4,000 points! The more surveys you try, you more chances to win!
Our weekly winner of 4000 points for participating in external surveys is : jbren!
EVERY attempt to participate in a third party survey OR complete one, will give you an entry into a WEEKLY draw for 4,000 points! The more surveys you try, you more chances to win!

It's time for Canada to apologize for slavery, says N.S. senator
In every speech Nova Scotia Sen. Wanda Thomas Bernard makes for Emancipation Day this year, she'll ask the same question: what's next?It's a question she's posing to federal and provincial governments, as well as individual Canadians, as the country marks the day slavery was abolished in the British Empire. -CBC
Trudeau’s Disapproval Rating At Highest Level Since Becoming Prime Minister
A national survey shows that disapproval of the Trudeau government has hit new heights. A new Abacus Data survey of 2,400 Canadians shows that disapproval of the federal government sits at 51 per cent, the highest since Trudeau was first elected in 2015. 51 per cent of people surveyed also have a negative view of Trudeau. If the election were to be held now, the Conservatives would win with 35 per cent of the vote share, with the Liberals forming the opposition with 30 per cent. The NDP came in at 19 per
One in three say they'd burn down their home if it was infested with bugs
One in three Americans have seriously considered burning down their own home after experiencing a bug infestation (34%), according to a new survey.

Inflation Is Ruining Canadians' Summer Plans
According to a new survey by CIBC, 80% of Canadians are concerned about how rising inflation is about to impact their summer plans, and for good reason too. The same study notes that Canadians are expected to spend approximately $1,900 on summer activities this year. This is a whopping $400 increase from how much they approximately spent in 2021.

Private 25 Point Surveys Every Week!
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