Tellwut CA Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points - July 23 2021

London, Ont. man wants Canada to allow cannabis restaurants and cafes
A London, Ont. man with dreams of opening a pot-themed eatery says he’s in it for the long haul as he pushes provincial and federal governments to allow for cannabis infused food at restaurants and cafes in Canada.
Canada updates its Border Measures
Canada’s federal government updated its border measures on Monday announcing that fully vaccinated citizens and permanent residents from the U.S. will be allowed to enter the country as of August 9. All other fully vaccinated international travellers will be allowed to enter Canada starting September 7, on the condition the country’s COVID-19 case counts remain low and vaccination rates keep trending in a positive direction.
Chicago Public Schools to require masks, enforce 3-foot social distancing
Chicago Public Schools announced Thursday that masks will be worn by everyone when schools return to in-person learning on August 30.

Frito Lays Workers Ask Public Not To Buy Products
Hundreds of Frito-Lay workers in Topeka, Kan., are in their third week of a strike, citing so-called "suicide shifts" and poor working conditions at the manufacturing and distribution plant at a time when the company's net revenue growth has exceeded all of its targets. Employees say sweltering 90-degree temperatures on the picket line are preferable to the 100-degree-plus heat that awaits them inside the manufacturing warehouse on any given summer day. They're demanding an end to mandatory overtime and 84-hour weeks that they argue leaves little room for a meaningful quality of life. They're also seeking raises that match cost-of-living increases.

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