Tellwut CA Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points -May 17 2024
Extra Long Weekend Bonus Points!
Get ready to celebrate Victoria Day in style! Earn an extra 50 bonus points on every survey (50+ points) you complete from Saturday, May 18, until 11:59 pm EDT on Monday, May 20! Don't miss out on the fun and extra rewards! Click the link below as much as you want all weekend to rack up those points!
Tellwut News
Tellwut Support will have limited support on Monday, May 20 for the long weekend holiday in Canada.
Our weekly winner of 4000 points for participating in Earn Rewards Live Surveys is YankSouth14!
EVERY attempt to participate in an Earn Rewards Live survey OR complete one, will give you an entry into a WEEKLY draw for 4,000 points! The more surveys you try, you more chances to win!
Poll Finds Significant Canadian Opposition to Cellphone Use in Classrooms
An online poll suggests strong support for policies to block cellphone usage in Canadian schools.
Arbitrator Rules Canada Post's Suspension of Unvaccinated Remote Workers During COVID Was Unjust
A labour arbitrator has struck down part of Canada Post’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy for employees, ruling it was unreasonable to suspend staff without pay who worked remotely simply because they did not confirm they were vaccinated. “Canada Post has not established a compelling workplace health and safety interest in mandating vaccines for employees who worked exclusively remotely, where there was no reasonable prospect that in-person work would be required of them,” arbitrator Michelle Flaherty wrote in her ruling in a case brought by the Union of Postal Communications Employees (UPCE).Canada Post implemented a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in October 2021, roughly at the same time as the rest of the federal public service. The mandate required employees to attest to having two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or risk being put on unpaid leave. The ruling says the policy’s purpose was to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the workplace. But Flaherty says that purpose was not met when it was applied to a handful of employees who had no reasonable chance of ever seeing their colleagues at the workplace because they worked entirely remotely.
Exclusive Facebook Survey!
Head on over to our Facebook page to take our weekly exclusive 25 point private survey! Don't forget to give us a "like" or a "follow" while you're there!
Survey Uncovers Distinctions Between a Trip and a Vacation
For most Americans (80%), there is a distinct difference between a “trip” and a “vacation.”

New York Lawmakers Seek to Criminalize Reservation Fraud
Getting a restaurant reservation has not only become a competitive sport — it's also become a lucrative one, with people snatching up tables and reselling their spots on third-party sites. On Tuesday, Assembly member Alex Bores, State Senator Nathalia Fernandez, and the New York State Restaurant Association announced the advancement of the Restaurant Reservation Anti-Piracy Act, which aims to ensure third-party food service reservation apps actually obtain consent from restaurants before they can market and make seating reservations on their behalf. And it's not just about reselling a seat. These apps are also increasing no-show reservations due to bots, causing restaurants to lose profits or be forced to turn away actual clients due to double bookings, with no way for the restaurants to recoup booking fees. “Technology continues to advance, and our laws need to keep pace," Sen. Fernandez said. "Bad actors are using AI to their advantage and developing bots and tools that swoop up high-demand reservations to sell them at a profit. This is unfair to the consumer and restaurants."
Private Twitter Survey
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