Tellwut CA Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points - May 7 2021

Canadian attitudes toward pandemic increasingly bleak
Canadians’ views toward the COVID-19 pandemic has turned bleak in recent months amid the third wave, with a majority of respondents in a new poll believing things will continue to get worse before they get better.
Vaccine tourism: Canadians fly south for shot as U.S. demand falls
With COVID-19 vaccine demand declining in the United States, some Canadians facing third-wave lockdowns are flying south to get inoculated, perhaps months earlier than they would be able to at home. While almost a third of Americans have been fully vaccinated, Canada has inoculated only 3% of its almost 38 million people, though more than 34% have received a first dose.
South Carolina House Adds Firing Squad To Execution Methods
The South Carolina House voted Wednesday to add a firing squad to the state’s execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs — a measure meant to jump-start executions in a state that once had one of the busiest death chambers in the nation.
Dollar stores make up almost half of all new stores opening this year in the US
Three dollar store chains will make up almost half of all the new stores opening up in the United States this year, a reflection of the dollar store sector's outsized growth in the retail industry as other chains close shops or stop building new ones. About 45% of the 3,597 store openings that large retail chains in the United States have announced so far this year are from Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar. Economists and retail analysts say dollar stores are expanding in part because of growing wealth inequality in the United States and the hollowing out of the middle class.

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