Tellwut US Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points - April 30 2021

Joe Biden Marks First 100 Days
The latest survey from Gallup, released last week, found that 57 percent of Americans approved of Biden's job as commander in chief. Forty percent of those polled disapproved and 3 percent had no opinion.
California Considering Letting Adults Add Parents To Health Plans
California could become the only state to let adult children add their parents as dependents to their health insurance plans, a policy proposal aimed at increasing insurance coverage among low-income people living in the country illegally who aren’t eligible for government-funded coverage. To be eligible, parents would have to meet the Internal Revenue Service’s definition of a dependent, meaning they rely on their children for at least 50% of their support.
Yearbook adds positive spin to bad year
Most people remember their years spent in high school, maybe even middle school, and what better way to reminisce than to look at old yearbooks.
But is 2020 really the year these kids want to remember? One high school in Indiana is putting a spin on the narrative.
But is 2020 really the year these kids want to remember? One high school in Indiana is putting a spin on the narrative.

Lumber prices are up 232% and ‘could spiral out of control in the next few months’
Last week the price per thousand board feet of lumber soared to an all-time high of $1,188, according to Random Lengths. Since the onset of the pandemic, lumber has shot up a whopping 232%. This supply and demand mismatch is largely a result of the pandemic. At the same time that state-mandated lockdowns caused mills to halt production, bored quarantining Americans were rushing to Home Depot and Lowe’s to buy up materials for do-it-yourself projects. That caused lumber inventory to plummet.

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