Tellwut US Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points - November 12 2021

Majority of Americans say Trump and his aides should testify about January 6
A majority of Americans believe former President Donald Trump should testify before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, according to a Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll.
Texas death row case: Supreme Court wrestles with religious freedom in the execution chamber
The Supreme Court divided sharply Tuesday over a death row inmate's request to have a pastor pray and make physical contact during his execution in a case that could reshape religious accommodations for those sentenced to die. During more than 90 minutes of oral argument, several of the court's conservative justices pressed Ramirez's attorney on whether granting his request would prompt a flood of other challenges to state execution policies based on religious grounds. Texas lawyers told the court the state has an interest in limiting the interaction between an inmate and adviser to ensure the death sentence is carried out smoothly.
Consumers Dread Holiday Shopping as Some Are Still Paying Off Last Year's Bills
While retailers expect another record holiday spending season this year, many Americans are losing sleep worrying about how to pay for their gifting obligations amid the ongoing pandemic and rising inflation. Some people are even still haunted by the lingering debt from last Christmas.

More Americans Oppose Biden Than Trump Running in 2024: Poll
USA Today and Suffolk University released new polling data on Sunday, showing Biden's approval rating sinking to a new low. When asked if they wanted Biden to run again in the 2024 presidential election, 64 percent of respondents expressed their opposition to him doing so. The majority of Americans also expressed opposition to Trump seeking another term in 2024, but at a lower level than those against Biden. Some 58 percent said they were against Trump running again in the next presidential election. -Newsweek

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