Tellwut US Newsletter - 50 Exclusive Points -July 5 2024
Happy 4th of July!
Get your sparklers ready! In celebration of Canada Day and the Fourth of July, we are offering 50 bonus points on all completed surveys** from Saturday, June 29th to Sunday, July 7th! Click the link below between these dates to take your available surveys and score those extra points!
**Surveys must be 50 points or more in order to receive the bonus points
Tellwut News
Our weekly winner of 4000 points for participating in Earn Rewards Live Surveys
is kenbelluch!
EVERY attempt to participate in an Earn Rewards Live survey OR complete one, will give you an entry into a WEEKLY draw for 4,000 points! The more surveys you try, you more chances to win!
74% Worry Americans Could Lose Our Freedoms If We’re Not Careful
This 4th of July, 248 years after the Declaration of Independence was adopted, a new forthcoming Cato Institute national survey a majority of Americans fear the freedoms made possible by the American founding are at risk.
Americans plan to skip 4th of July celebrations, experts cite political divides
If you chose not to celebrate the Fourth of July this year, you weren’t alone. A survey done last week by YouGov found 26% of the more than 4,000 Americans polled had planned to skip the holiday altogether. Another 16% were unsure if they would participate in celebrations. The question did not ask why people would or would not celebrate Independence Day. However, more Republican respondents said they would celebrate while more Democrats and Independents said they would not. “America is pretty divided right now. In some ways, it’s kind of at a historical peak,” University of Denver political science expert Seth Masket said.
Exclusive Facebook Survey!
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Steven Spielberg Film With 92% Rotten Tomatoes Score Named Best Summer Blockbuster Ever
Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park has been named the best summer blockbuster ever.
The Delta Aquarids Peak Soon
Look into the night sky this month, and you may see a few shooting stars to wish upon. The Delta Aquariids meteor shower kicks off on July 18 and ends on August 21. The annual celestial event will reach its peak on July 30, according to The shower is best viewed from the Southern Hemisphere, but it can be spotted by those living in southern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, too. Per NASA, this meteor shower can produce up to 20 meteors per hour. While the shooting stars can be difficult to see, you may be able to spot them during moon-free evenings before midnight in late July. If you're not able to spot the Delta Aquariids, wait until August when it coincides with the Perseids–one of the most spectacular meteor showers of the year.
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