Travel plans 2021
The pandemic put a nail in many people's travel plans last year and at the start of this year, with the vaccine starting to be distributed in both US and Canada, hope is in the air that we can finally start traveling again. Sure, it will take quite some time before vaccines cover enough of the population to make it go extinct, and that with the assumption that new strains of the virus don't make the vaccine useless, but hey... let's think positive, shall we?
We want to travel. And even though ~62% of Tellwuters didn't make plans for a vacation this year, that doesn't mean they wouldn't travel if given the possibility (and financial /health means).
Regardless of your situation, the travel quote about going somewhere new at least once a year is applicable to all. Budgets may vary, making a trip to Europe a luxury for most, but to see something new, all you need to do is take the subway a few stations away. The scenery changes so much you'd be amazed you didn't know those places existed just a few miles away.
And if you've been working like crazy in 2020, remember the benefits of disconnecting every so often. As author Anne Lamott put it: "Almost everything will work if you unplug it a few minutes. Including you...". Many studies have proven that you are less productive when you're burned out and a break will often fix it, setting you up for success and giving you a second wind to play your best game again.
With ~55% of working Tellwuters having extra vacation days to take from last year, we can only assume rest and relaxation will become a priority as travel bans are lifted. But hey, relaxing doesn't have to mean taking a vacation overseas. Canadians know better on this one with 53% planning a staycation versus only 38% of Americans. It's cheaper for sure and it can actually be fun! It might not compare to a trip to Rome or the Inca trail, but not everyone can afford those or even want to go there!
So take that break! Plan to go somewhere nice, even if it's just to BBQ in your back garden. We'd love to see surveys created to show places in your own town or tell us about in in the comment section below. It may be hometown to you, but it might be a great travel destination for others! No matter what - be safe and stay safe.
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