Product Description, Terms and Conditions is provided by product owner.
E-cards are not sent automatically upon redemption. Orders will be fulfilled within 1-7 business days of redemption. Once the order is fulfilled, you will receive a confirmation email and then the reward within 30 minutes. Please check your junk mail or contact support@tellwut.com if you did not receive your order. Cards are non refundable once the order is processed. E-cards are sent directly from our supplier Your Digital Reward.The Mastercard Virtual Account can be redeemed at every Internet, mail order, and telephone merchant everywhere Mastercard debit cards are accepted in Canada. 6-month expiration.
Product Terms & Conditions
Virtual account is issued by Peoples Trust Company under license from Mastercard International. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used online where Mastercard is accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months; unused funds will forfeit after the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply.Cette carte est émise par la Compagnie de fiducie Peoples en vertu d’une licence octroyée par Mastercard International. MasterCard est une marque déposée et le concept de cercles est une marque de commerce de MasterCard International Incorporated. La carte ne peut pas être utilisée pour obtenir de l’argent comptant ou pour faire des paiements périodiques. Carte valide pour une période maximale de 6 mois; les fonds inutilisés seront annulés après la date d’expiration. Des conditions d’utilisation s’appliquent.