Cards are mailed by Blackhawk Network via USPS to the mailing address associated with your account. Shipping times will vary depending on your location. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery once the order is processed. Cards are non refundable once the order is processed.Anyone who’s ever shopped at WINNERS knows the thrill of finding the perfect item at an incredible price. You’ll find savings of up to 60% off what you’d pay at department and specialty stores – every day. Brand name and designer fashions for yourself, your family and your home. Plus, we bring in thousands of new arrivals every week, so you’re sure to find something new and wonderful every time you visit. WINNERS. Find fabulous for less.
Use of this gift card constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions. The card balance can be redeemed for merchandise only, at any Winners, HomeSense, or Marshalls store in Canada, cannot be redeemed for cash unless required by law, and cannot be used to pay a credit account. Items purchased with this gift card are subject to applicable store return policy. You can add to the balance of an active card at any time. For more information and to check card balance, please visit your local store. The value of this card will not be replaced if lost, stolen or used without permission. This card is issued by Winners Merchants International L.P.
L’utilisateur de cette carte-cadeau accepte les conditions figurant ci-après. Le solde de la carte ne sert uniquement qu’à l’achat de marchandises dans un magasin Winners, HomeSense ou Marshalls au Canada; il n’est pas échangeable contre de l’argent comptant saut si la loi l’exige, et il ne peut être utilise pour faire un paiement à un compte de crédit. Les articles achetés avec cette carte-cadeau sont soumis à la politique de retour du magasin. Vous pouvez toujours ajouter au solde d’une carte activée. Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour vérifier le solde de la carte, rendez-vous dans le magasin le plus près de chez vous. La valeur de la carte ne peut être remplacée en cas de perte, de vol ou d’utilisation non autorisée. Cette carte est émise par Les Marchands International Winners S.E.C.