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Results: Nearly 30% of Americans Say College Isn't Worth It, According to Pew Poll

Published on 05/26/2024
By: Tellwut
Source :
Do you have a college or university degree?
Do you have a college or university degree?
1354 votes
1246 votes
Close to 30% of Americans said a college degree isn't worth it in a survey from Pew Research Center that highlights the drag soaring costs have had on views about higher education in recent decades in the country. Almost half of US adults in the report think college is worth the cost — but only as long as they don't need to take out a loan. Only 22% of respondents said a college degree is worth it even with student debt. What do you think?
A college or uni degree is not worth it
576 votes
It's only worth it if you don't need to take out a loan
960 votes
It's worth it even if you have to take on debt
899 votes
Other (please specify)
165 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
2.50% 65
n/a 0.23% 6
na 0.23% 6
Depends 0.12% 3
It depends on what you want to do with your life. 0.08% 2
I don't know 0.08% 2
going for a certain certification is worth it if you use it. 0.04% 1
it's only worth it if you're studying to be a lawyer, doctor or scientist 0.04% 1
College education always raises your standard of life. I’m sick of these selfish people who don’t wanna help anyone else pay for their college because it better everyone as a nation people who do surveys for pennies are greedy. 0.04% 1
Yes it's worth it if you want a higher paying job for most everything! 0.04% 1
It depends on what kind of work you want to do after you finish school. Some jobs require a degree, others prefer trade school graduates. 0.04% 1
Depends what you use it for did it help you get the job you wanted . 0.04% 1
It is worth it if you are taking courses for a specific career, ie doctor, lawyer, educator, scientist. It is not worth it for a general BA. 0.04% 1
Worth it without the condition of debt. 0.04% 1
It depends on what you want to do in life as to whether you should get a post secondary degree or not. Trades are just as important and you should take the time necessary to decide for yourself what is best for your own future. 0.04% 1
Depends on the profession 0.04% 1
Answer depends on the Ethics of the Establishments and their profesors, The disgraceful encampments on these grounds ans their hateful, dangerous retoric is no something I would want to be apart of even for free. 0.04% 1
It depends. If you were able to get a job in the field you majored in, and pay the loan back, then yes, a degree is worth it. 0.04% 1
It is worth it with or without a loan if you are going to college for something specific that is required, like to be a lawyer. 0.04% 1
You need the correct degree. 0.04% 1
It is worth it depending on your financial situation 0.04% 1
It's a great thing 0.04% 1
Only if you are going into a career like doctor or lawyer that requires it 0.04% 1
Some times a trade is better depends on the person 0.04% 1
It's worthy if the job you want requires it. If you don't have a specific plan for work, maybe not. 0.04% 1
depends on major 0.04% 1
depends on the field of study. 0.04% 1
Pay as you go. Graduate without debt. 0.04% 1
Nostrud voluptas dolor enim aut qui saepe alias deleniti 0.04% 1
Worth it 0.04% 1
It depends on the individual if the college degree has any worth 0.04% 1
It's worth depends on the individual's beliefs, desires or interests 0.04% 1
I got my degree from using education benefits through Guild through my employer. 0.04% 1
It depends on the person 0.04% 1
Depends on field of study 0.04% 1
Ipsum rerum sit officiis modi quam est et commodo 0.04% 1
probably meeded but cut costs as much as possible and get a degree in which you can get a job. 0.04% 1
It depends on the major 0.04% 1
it would depend on your degree as to worth 0.04% 1
Depends on the degree 0.04% 1
If you’re able to find work 0.04% 1
it depends on what you are studying. 0.04% 1
Not sure 0.04% 1
Depending on what occupation you want 0.04% 1
It’s worth it but not with a loan taking years to pay back 0.04% 1
only worth it if need like accountant dr lawyer etc 0.04% 1
It can go either way. I believe it definitely needs researching in great depth in order to be worth it for sure 0.04% 1
If you can get one, you should 0.04% 1
Fufkf 0.04% 1
depends on many factors 0.04% 1
Unsure as it depends on the degree 0.04% 1
It's worth it if your degree is useful/applicable to a practical job (teacher, doctor etc) 0.04% 1
Don't know 0.04% 1
Depends on the degree is 0.04% 1
For higher wage, then yes. 0.04% 1
It depends on the major o one's degree and the earning potential accompanying it. 0.04% 1
It’s worth it if you need it for a career you want to pursue 0.04% 1
it depends on what you want as a career, some require a college degree, some not. it's about what you want to do with your life. 0.04% 1
I don't know. 0.04% 1
It's worth it if you get a degree that can be used to make money 0.04% 1
Some careers require them. 0.04% 1
Depends on the career you are pursuing 0.04% 1
If you don't have one, you will end up working for someone who does - maybe from another country.. 0.04% 1
Lack of University Credentials stood in my way for promotion many many times 0.04% 1
It's worth it if you're qualification is in demand. 0.04% 1
It was worth it! 0.04% 1
it's worth it if you work in the same field as your major. 0.04% 1
What does that even matter? 0.04% 1
It Worth it if you have a high goal such as Doctor 0.04% 1
It can be worth it if you go into a field that you’re going to enjoy, if you don’t have to pay humongous loans off after and if you will immediately have plenty of good jobs to choose from with offers coming in before you graduate. 0.04% 1
College is only worth it on a case by case situation. If you don't think it's worth it, don't go. If you think it's worth it it, go. 0.04% 1
depends on the subject 0.04% 1
I'm glad doctors, dentists, scientists, lawyers, etc. don't think this way. 0.04% 1
It's worth it if needed for the career job one desires 0.04% 1
It depends 0.04% 1
depends on career path 0.04% 1
The college or university degree is only worth it if one is seeking, and ultimately getting, a work career that requires it such as a doctor, attorney, or teacher. Other careers can be obtained without a typical college degree. 0.04% 1
deepends on the degree 0.04% 1
it depends on the subject 0.04% 1
It depends on if the loan will be paid. 0.04% 1
A degree is worth it if it is necessary for the position. I am a retired nurse. Needed the degree. 0.04% 1
My disabity keeps me from this with learning 0.04% 1
don't know, never been too collage 0.04% 1
it's worth it if you can get a job after you're done 0.04% 1
It depends on the degree 0.04% 1
Worthwhile if the degree is useful for their career skills 0.04% 1
It is but it isnt 0.04% 1