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Results: California faces record $68 BILLION budget deficit

Published on 01/03/2024
California’s budget deficit has swelled to a record $68 billion after months of unexpectedly low tax revenues, a shortfall that could prompt the state’s deepest spending cuts since the Great Recession. (source: POLITICO)
The latest deficit figure — calculated by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office and released Thursday — far exceeds the $14.3 billion estimate from June. The shortfall, which is the highest in dollar terms but not as a percentage of overall spending, threatens to upend the upcoming legislative year by forcing Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers to make spending cuts on a scale few term-limited elected officials in Sacramento have faced. Do you agree that if a state is in such debt, it is a clear indication that the leadership needs to change?
The latest deficit figure — calculated by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office and released Thursday — far exceeds the $14.3 billion estimate from June. The shortfall, which is the highest in dollar terms but not as a percentage of overall spending, threatens to upend the upcoming legislative year by forcing Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers to make spending cuts on a scale few term-limited elected officials in Sacramento have faced. Do you agree that if a state is in such debt, it is a clear indication that the leadership needs to change?
1077 votes
219 votes
399 votes
Not Applicable
560 votes
"The state remains in a good cash position, and that really wasn't the case back at the start of the Great Recession," Gabriel Petek, an LAO analyst, told reporters. "We don't face the same kind of liquidity challenges that we had at that time, and so I would stop short of describing it as a crisis." The LAO forecasts a $4 billion drop in the amount of funding the state is required to send to schools and community colleges under Proposition 98, adding education to a list of possible targets for reductions that also includes climate and health care. Do you think reducing funding for schools, climate and health care is acceptable for reducing state deficits?
Reducing funding for schools is acceptable
205 votes
Reducing funding for climate is acceptable
608 votes
Reducing funding for healthcare is acceptable
193 votes
Reducing funding for none of them is acceptable - there should be more caution when using taxpayer money so reducing funding is not necessary
1367 votes
Other (please specify)
209 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
3.87% 100
na 0.58% 15
n/a 0.50% 13
Not applicable 0.12% 3
none 0.12% 3
Non 0.08% 2
None of the above 0.08% 2
... 0.08% 2
reduce politicians salaries is very acceptable 0.04% 1
Canadian does not apply 0.04% 1
Reduce Government 0.04% 1
Increase taxes 0.04% 1
There are tons of other items that need to be cut. 0.04% 1
I am Canadian 0.04% 1
There are alot of very wealthy ppl in ca, this shouldn't be a problem, tax. 0.04% 1
We need to allowed the talk in public venue of the truth = our government & top corporations & departments & media & etc...... are TOTALLY CORRUPT !!!! 0.04% 1
I think we should reduce the President, Vice President and all the people in office pay to help pay for the dept. 0.04% 1
Not sure 0.04% 1
How bout not giving illegal immigrants any benefits. 0.04% 1
Stop the support of illegals coming into the state! 0.04% 1
unsure 0.04% 1
I'm Canadian and this is not applicable 0.04% 1
No clue 0.04% 1
Reduce payment to state Senator and Congress also Govenor 0.04% 1
I live in Canada. 0.04% 1
don't know 0.04% 1
Other non essential things 0.04% 1
do not live there 0.04% 1
Maintain spending 0.04% 1
Everything to do with Climate Change, Global Warming, EV mandates and destroying the fossil fuel industry needs to stop immediately! As well as allowing millions of illegals across the border that we, the tax payers, have to support! Stop already! 0.04% 1
I do not know what is best/the right thing/most acceptable when it comes to money. 0.04% 1
Dk 0.04% 1
Reduse for climate 0.04% 1
Just NO! 0.04% 1
Raise the taxes on the rich 0.04% 1
Not applicable live in Canada 0.04% 1
don't go overboard on anything 0.04% 1
Reducing Climate change conspiracy theory's and the politicians pay 0.04% 1
lower the politician's pay & stop paying for rebuilding homes/businesses in weather effected areas since the owners know the downfall and still expect the government to pay for rebuilding 0.04% 1
lalala oh caaanada ! 0.04% 1
reduce all 0.04% 1
there are plenty of other divisions of gov't that could take a reductioin hit: infrastructure, military, salaries, foreign affairs, etc. etc. 0.04% 1
I have no idea 0.04% 1
Politicians should take a pay cut and use that money to fund schools and healthcare. 0.04% 1
Not an American 0.04% 1
not american 0.04% 1
None of them 0.04% 1
Close the loopholes for the rich and make them pay their fair share. 0.04% 1
Without knowing the budget amount it is unfair to ask for an opinion on budget cuts. 0.04% 1
California's government is extremely corrupt 0.04% 1
You finished me off with question #1. I would have to know far, far more before subscribing to your theory. 0.04% 1
I think all of the above need funding.So taking them away is unacceptable in my books.Cut what all these people in government get paid.I think they make to much. 0.04% 1
I am not american 0.04% 1
What are the other areas being considered for cuts? Cut 5% in all areas. 0.04% 1
Rich individuals and wealthy companies should be taxed. Some do not pay any taxes because of loopholes and greed. 0.04% 1
CANADIAN 0.04% 1
Cut salaries and benefits for elected officials to add revenue 0.04% 1
Stop government waste would cure the problem in a few months. 0.04% 1
Raise taxes on the rich, especially the idiotic Silicon Valley tech bros 0.04% 1
what is this about? 0.04% 1
Irrelevant 0.04% 1
reduce funding for illegal immigrints 0.04% 1
reducing the leaders income and expenses 0.04% 1
Don't care. I am candian. 0.04% 1
Absolutely NOT 0.04% 1
N A 0.04% 1
I don't "do" political polls and wish Tellwut would ban them 0.04% 1
. 0.04% 1
Lofty government programs that pay politicians 0.04% 1
Don't reduce 0.04% 1
raise taxes 0.04% 1
idk 0.04% 1
Canadian!! 0.04% 1
NA!!! 0.04% 1
Reduce all nonessential spending 0.04% 1
Manage your money like it is yours. What if all American people managed their finances like California or the federal government. 0.04% 1
Analysts suggested legislators could ease the situation with one-time cuts, reducing school funding or tapping into the around $30 billion in reserves. Legislative leadership floated drawing from its savings last year, but Newsom opposed that move and the money was left alone. Debates over the use of reserve funds will likely intensify next year, given the size of the shortfall. Do you think it makes more sense for states to use the money available in savings to cover deficits from previous years?
834 votes
223 votes
633 votes
Not Applicable
565 votes
Some have suggested that much of the revenue decline in California is due to the large number of businesses - and billionaires - who have been fleeing the deep blue state for more fiscally-friendly red ones, such as Florida and Texas. Do you agree that states like California driving businesses out due to higher taxes, higher cost of living and heavy regulations deserve to struggle fiscally?
792 votes
324 votes
515 votes
Not Applicable
624 votes
Do you think it is wise to consider someone like Gavin Newsome - the current governor of California who is leading his state into financial ruin with his policies - as the next president of the United States?
252 votes
932 votes
401 votes
Not Applicable
670 votes