This survey is private
Results: 2019 COCA National Conference Evaluation for Associate Delegates
Published on 07/23/2019
Thank you for attending the 2019 COCA Conference!
Please take 5 to 10 minutes to answer some questions about this year's conference. The information gathered from this survey will only be reported as group data for event planning purposes and your individual responses are anonymous. For your participation you will be entered into a draw for one of the following; $50 discount to our 2020 conference, $25.00 Indigo/Chapters gift card, $25 Cineplex Odeon gift card or a cell phone charger! Just be sure to include your email at the end of the survey. Draw to be held August 31, 2019. Your email will only be used for draw purposes.
Please take 5 to 10 minutes to answer some questions about this year's conference. The information gathered from this survey will only be reported as group data for event planning purposes and your individual responses are anonymous. For your participation you will be entered into a draw for one of the following; $50 discount to our 2020 conference, $25.00 Indigo/Chapters gift card, $25 Cineplex Odeon gift card or a cell phone charger! Just be sure to include your email at the end of the survey. Draw to be held August 31, 2019. Your email will only be used for draw purposes.