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Results: Sam Simon Co-creator of The Simpsons Planning On Giving Entire Fortune Away

Published on 11/20/2014
By: Tellwut
The co-creator of “The Simpsons” has no problem poking fun at his terminal cancer diagnosis. But when it comes to giving away every last cent of his fortune, that’s no laughing matter. Two years ago, Sam Simon -- also the comedic genius behind “Taxi” -- was diagnosed with stage-4 colon cancer and given three to six months to live. Today, Simon, 59, continues to defy that original prognosis, but is wasting no time in preparing to donate his entire $100 million fortune to charity, he told Maria Shriver in a recent NBC News interview.
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Are you a fan of The Simpsons cartoon program?
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1194 votes
219 votes
Not Applicable
157 votes
Do you think more multi-millionaires should be as generous as Sam Simon?
1909 votes
233 votes
672 votes
Have you heard of Woohoo Trivia - a classic Simpson's monthly trivia night that takes place in several cities across Canada and the US.
189 votes
2625 votes
If you were to donate your money to a charitable organizational - which kind would you donate to?
Organization which helps disadvantaged kids
879 votes
Organization which helps to rescue animals
561 votes
Organization which helps to fight a disease
569 votes
Not applicable
565 votes
Other (please specify)
240 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.75% 21
all of the above 0.39% 11
my church 0.14% 4
church 0.14% 4
all 0.14% 4
i would donate to several charities 0.07% 2
none of your business 0.07% 2
food banks 0.07% 2
multiple 0.07% 2
veterans 0.07% 2
salvation army 0.07% 2
organ transplants 0.04% 1
to the real people in my neighborhood 0.04% 1
yes and more 0.04% 1
food pantry 0.04% 1
can't so don't think about it 0.04% 1
how bout all of the above 0.04% 1
missionaries 0.04% 1
donate to actual families in need, since charities can pocket a lot of money 0.04% 1
educational foundations 0.04% 1
a clean water charity 0.04% 1
something to help low income families 0.04% 1
all charitys above 0.04% 1
a mix of places 0.04% 1
disabled veterrans 0.04% 1
all of the above. 0.04% 1
a mixture of these, and religious ones. 0.04% 1
different ones 0.04% 1
i would choose more than one organization 0.04% 1
missionaries that i support 0.04% 1
to help edrre 0.04% 1
preserve rainforests & all endangered animals, plants & people 0.04% 1
the first two. 0.04% 1
half for disadavantages kids, single mom and rescue animals 0.04% 1
all of the above - kids, animals, disease + poverty, hunger, vetrans, etc. 0.04% 1
i would spread i wanted 0.04% 1
an organization like st jude that does not draw salaries on contributions. 0.04% 1
pro life foundation 0.04% 1
various 0.04% 1
girls club of america 0.04% 1
would divide between environmental groups and animal rescue. 0.04% 1
all the above 0.04% 1
bahay tuluyan 0.04% 1
all of the above! why just one? 0.04% 1
i'd like to give some to all the charities,not just the major ones!! 0.04% 1
i would take care of family members first 0.04% 1
all of them 0.04% 1
helps adults become more self sufficiant. 0.04% 1
environmental and educational charities 0.04% 1
homeless people and children 0.04% 1
needy familes 0.04% 1
myself - i live in poverty 0.04% 1
i would split among all three above. 0.04% 1
education - without it nobody can think 0.04% 1
i would divide my money between world vision and peta 0.04% 1
not sure who american cancer for sure 0.04% 1
i would start my own organsation to make sure the homeless has a place to sleep 0.04% 1
local food pantry 0.04% 1
a combination of charitable organizations 0.04% 1
one that supports veterans 0.04% 1
an organization that actually used the money for their cause. 0.04% 1
no kill shelters, capture, neuter release programs, st jude 0.04% 1
feeding the poor 0.04% 1
help poor/homeless 0.04% 1
local church 0.04% 1
my own charitable creation 0.04% 1
the poor 0.04% 1
animals and kids 0.04% 1
helps starving and homeless around the world 0.04% 1
to help all persons and animals 0.04% 1
save persecuted christians in world 0.04% 1
i'd spread it around 0.04% 1
homeless/feeding and shelter 0.04% 1
organizantions that support and protect caves and karst. 0.04% 1
some to each of those 0.04% 1
kid's hospital 0.04% 1
one that helps third world communities 0.04% 1
women's charity 0.04% 1
kids and animals 0.04% 1
family 0.04% 1
organization which helps end abortion 0.04% 1
neuroscience 0.04% 1
food banks salvation army union gospel missions 0.04% 1
mental health 0.04% 1
religion 0.04% 1
environmental 0.04% 1
over 60's 0.04% 1
kids hospital 0.04% 1
some to different charities. 0.04% 1
give portion to all of the above 0.04% 1
undecided 0.04% 1
help the homeless or mentally ill 0.04% 1
shriners hospitals for children 0.04% 1
i would start my own since too many charities waste donations 0.04% 1
why would i be restricted to one charity? 0.04% 1
the cathloic church down the road 0.04% 1
food bank and salvation army 0.04% 1
hunger organizations 0.04% 1
i'd spread it among a few. 0.04% 1
organizations that help veterans and their families 0.04% 1
org relating to mental illness 0.04% 1
enviromental organizations 0.04% 1
people who dont have food 0.04% 1
missions 0.04% 1
dav, arc 0.04% 1
jehovah's witnesses 0.04% 1
i would spread it around. 0.04% 1
i would give to all of the above 0.04% 1
not sure. i would have to research this to make sure the funds are used appropriately. 0.04% 1
a veraity of charites 0.04% 1
education, kids 0.04% 1
to an organization that helps the homeless...teaching them to cook from scratch, spend wisely, and love life and each other 0.04% 1
disease and underprivileged 0.04% 1
one i knew was legitimate 0.04% 1
combination 0.04% 1
uso 0.04% 1
i'd probably divide between a couple of charities 0.04% 1
disabled and homeless veterans 0.04% 1
i would try to spread it all around, after making sure they were legitimate donation sites. 0.04% 1
hunger and homelessness 0.04% 1
i wouldn't donate to any organization. then most of the $$ goes to running that organization. i will seek out those worthy of help and help them. 0.04% 1
i think most charities waste it admin,so better to give direct 0.04% 1
organization that helps eveyone 0.04% 1
feed the hungry 0.04% 1
dav 0.04% 1
give it to families that are having financial issues 0.04% 1
any organization that works to prevent abortions. 0.04% 1
research and development 0.04% 1
parks and recreation 0.04% 1
homeless 0.04% 1
organization for environmental protection 0.04% 1
international adoption agency 0.04% 1
helps veterans 0.04% 1
a lot of different ones 0.04% 1
all of the above. 0.04% 1
1, 2, my church, helping vets, and more 0.04% 1
the environment 0.04% 1
any reputable charity 0.04% 1
homelessness 0.04% 1
those are tough choices - how about splitting between all 3 0.04% 1
christian they go everywhere to help in disasters 0.04% 1
all three 0.04% 1
one that helps more than 1 group 0.04% 1
i would split it between several 0.04% 1
wounded warriors 0.04% 1
i honestly wouldnt donate anything to a charity. i would take the money directly to the cause or organization or country that i wanted to, and put the money directly into the things they need. 0.04% 1
veterans organizations 0.04% 1
spread the gospel of jesus christ 0.04% 1
organization to help the poor 0.04% 1
refugees 0.04% 1
help kids with terminal illness, st. judes 0.04% 1
equally for kids and animals 0.04% 1
religious org. 0.04% 1
homeless people and a hospice program 0.04% 1
local community 0.04% 1
would divide up among several 0.04% 1
i wouldn't givemy money to one organization. i would give it to as many causes as i can trust 100$ to do with it, what it is meant to do and in the philosohies of which i can believe. 0.04% 1
would probably donate to more that one 0.04% 1
all of them personally indivisual 0.04% 1
i would spread it around to all types of charities 0.04% 1
literacy group 0.04% 1
food banks and housing help 0.04% 1
any of the above 0.04% 1
help homeless 0.04% 1
heifer international 0.04% 1
a bit to all different organizations...spread the wealth! 0.04% 1
homeless people 0.04% 1
hope worldwide 0.04% 1
aids research 0.04% 1
elks national foundation 0.04% 1
not sure maybe a mixture 0.04% 1
church ministires 0.04% 1
other 0.04% 1
milatary 0.04% 1
veteren's cause and animal rescue 0.04% 1
st jude's children's hosplital and animal rescues that do not euthanize animals 0.04% 1
as many as possible 0.04% 1
i would donate to a combination of entities 0.04% 1
help abused people and also promlife chariety 0.04% 1
i would do 2 0.04% 1
environment 0.04% 1
shenandoah national park association/trust 0.04% 1
give to domestic violence survivors and domestic relations court reform 0.04% 1
pediatric hydrocephalus foundation 0.04% 1
organization which helps eliminate global poverty 0.04% 1
american charities 0.04% 1
all of the above :) 0.04% 1
st. jude children's research hospital 0.04% 1
religious 0.04% 1
for the homeless 0.04% 1
religous 0.04% 1
autism 0.04% 1
one which helps abused women and/or children 0.04% 1
provides food to the homeless 0.04% 1
me 0.04% 1