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Results: Even in my advanced years I am still curious to learn new things or learn more about old things. I hope you are too.

Published on 05/16/2024
By: DavKar
From time to time I say to myself, "How did that happen?" or "How does that work" Some of them I can figure out for myself but some seem so strange I have to research to find out. Here is a mix of these. If you are curious like me and want more of these surveys, let me know in the comments.
We have seen video clips of salmon swimming upstream to spawn and it is a wonder of nature. When Mr St. Helens blew its top, many lakes and rivers disappeared and new ones eventually replaced them as water was diverted. Yet some lakes that were newly formed and won't have a river flowing from them for several years while the water level rises enough to create one, nevertheless have fish in them. Where did these fish come from? The answer is from migrating birds. When ducks eat fish eggs, some of them can pass through the digestive system unharmed and hatch in new waterways. Did you know this?
We have seen video clips of salmon swimming upstream to spawn and it is a wonder of nature. When Mr St. Helens blew its top, many lakes and rivers disappeared and new ones eventually replaced them as water was diverted. Yet some lakes that were newly formed and won't have a river flowing from them for several years while the water level rises enough to create one, nevertheless have fish in them. Where did these fish come from? The answer is from migrating birds. When ducks eat fish eggs, some of them can pass through the digestive system unharmed and hatch in new waterways. Did you know this?
304 votes
1796 votes
Do you know of any other life form that propogates itself by passing through an animal's digestive system?
  • Bacteria, trees
  • no
  • Persimmon Seeds
You may have heard the expression "We are what we eat." What we eat today is quite different from what our ancestors ate thousands of years ago in the time of Abraham and our bodies have changed slightly as a result. Darwin had an explanation for how species adapt to changes if given enough time to do so. But what changes and circumstances can explain the creation and/or development over the years of the platypus from Australia? The first scientists to see one were convinced it had been assembled from multiple different animals. Do you think the same?
You may have heard the expression
847 votes
1253 votes
Can you think of any other animal that is as weird as the platypus?
  • The seahorse
  • no
  • Porcupine
The previous question dealt with how species change and develop over time. There are other species that have remained essentially unchanged for millions of years. Nature apparently got it right the first time and no change was necessary for the species to survive. One such creature is the shark which has been around for longer than the rings of Saturn. Saturn's rings are estimated to be no more than 400 million years old. Comparatively, sharks date back to the late Ordovician period, or about 450 million years ago. Did you know this?
The previous question dealt with how species change and develop over time. There are other species that have remained essentially unchanged for millions of years. Nature apparently got it right the first time and no change was necessary for the species to survive. One such creature is the shark which has been around for longer than the rings of Saturn. Saturn's rings are estimated to be no more than 400 million years old. Comparatively, sharks date back to the late Ordovician period, or about 450 million years ago. Did you know this?
455 votes
1645 votes
What other species has remained intact for millions of years the way the shark has?
  • Crocodile, alligator
  • not sure
  • opossums, armadillos,
Our atmosphere protects us from space debris, some of which is coming towards us at incredible speeds. The fastest meteorite recorded entered the atmosphere at 40,000 mph and the fastest asteroid is about 161,000 mph before burning up quite spectacularly. But if a tiny needle weighing just one gram hit earth at 99.9999% of the speed of light it would have huge mass (E = MC2)., It would have the kinetic energy of three Tsar bombs, (the biggest nuclear weapon ever detonated at 50 megatons each) with the light, heat and shock wave to match. Even if our atmosphere took care of it for us it would be quite the light show. Have you ever seen something burn up in our atmosphere?
Our atmosphere protects us from space debris, some of which is coming towards us at incredible speeds. The fastest meteorite recorded entered the atmosphere at 40,000 mph and the fastest asteroid is about 161,000 mph before burning up quite spectacularly. But if a tiny needle weighing just one gram hit earth at 99.9999% of the speed of light it would have huge mass (E = MC2)., It would have the kinetic energy of three Tsar bombs, (the biggest nuclear weapon ever detonated at 50 megatons each) with the light, heat and shock wave to match. Even if our atmosphere took care of it for us it would be quite the light show. Have you ever seen something burn up in our atmosphere?
458 votes
1642 votes
Did you know NASA and other agencies have plans to blow up or divert space debris to avoid the above scenario
  • no
  • yes
  • yes