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Results: What's in YOUR medicine cabinet? How to treat a wound.

Published on 05/13/2016
By: MistyMoonlight
Health & Fitness
Cuts and abrasions can happen at any time. When the skin is broken, there's always a possibility of an infection.
When it happens to you or someone in your home, what is your usual method of treatment?
Plain soap and water only - Just keep it clean.
458 votes
Disinfecting soap and water - Maybe this really is better than plain soap.
138 votes
Hydrogen peroxide - It's what I have, so I use it.
413 votes
Rubbing alcohol - I have it; pour it on.
114 votes
An antiseptic cream, like Neosporin - I have it on hand, just in case an accident happens.
634 votes
Other (please specify)
67 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.77% 14
na 0.33% 6
n/a 0.27% 5
Hydrogen Peroxide, antiseptic cream and bandaids 0.05% 1
It entirety depends on the wound/abrasion. Not all wounds are created equal. In all cases, if bleeding I would work on that first; when that's under control I would then clean the wound. 0.05% 1
castor oil 0.05% 1
All of the above at different times, depending on the injury. 0.05% 1
plain soap and water followed by generic polymixin ointment capped with a bandage 0.05% 1
More than one above. 0.05% 1
lots 0.05% 1
oil of oregano 0.05% 1
We use a combo of some of these 0.05% 1
Soap and water, then hydrogen peroxide 0.05% 1
honey 0.05% 1
Betadine, then antibiotic ointment 0.05% 1
aromatherapy oils-specifically tea tree oil 0.05% 1
Not Applicable 0.05% 1
Rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, depending on the type of abrasion, and Neosporin 0.05% 1
bleach mixed with very hot water. 0.05% 1
Vicks Vapor Rub. I use it for muscle aches, hang nail, burns, scrapes, chapped lips, put under my nose and it clears my breathing. 0.05% 1
Rinse really good and dab with an alcohol prep pad and put a bandaid on it. 0.05% 1
Have it all! 0.05% 1
a combo of the above 0.05% 1
Most of the above 0.05% 1
Rinse with water, and then antiseptic cream (if needed) and cover with bandage. 0.05% 1
Depends on the cut 0.05% 1
OTHER 0.05% 1
bandaids 0.05% 1
just water 0.05% 1
other things 0.05% 1
I don't like editorialized survey answers. 0.05% 1
clean with peroxide then apply antibiotic ointment like Neosporin 0.05% 1
cleanse with sterile water or HP, apply antibiotic cream or I use pure Aloe Vera , right from the plant I have 0.05% 1
water, soap, alcohol, then ointment 0.05% 1
turmeric 0.05% 1
usually just run it under water for a simple cut 0.05% 1
"Wound Wash Saline" 0.05% 1
soap and water then essential oils like frankincense and lavender to ward off infection and bacteria 0.05% 1
A combination 0.05% 1
Antiseptic lotion called TCP 0.05% 1
soap and water, plus apply a bandaid 0.05% 1
soap, water, bacitracin 0.05% 1
A combination of a few of the above 0.05% 1
depends on the type of wound 0.05% 1
clean with water and antibacterial soap, clean with peroxide, sometimes alcohol too, then neosporin 0.05% 1
Okay, the bleeding has stopped. What next?
Remove the bandage - Exposure to air helps the wound heal faster.
789 votes
Keep the bandage on - Protect the area.
1050 votes
Other (please specify)
64 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.84% 16
na 0.37% 7
Depends on the wound 0.21% 4
n/a 0.16% 3
Depends 0.16% 3
put on a clean bandage with neosporin 0.05% 1
bandage 24 hrs. then expose to air for healilng 0.05% 1
didn't use a bandage 0.05% 1
Keep the bandage on until it's healed a little, then take it off after a day. 0.05% 1
depends on activities 0.05% 1
ditto 0.05% 1
depends upon the size/type of injury 0.05% 1
bandage on a coupl or three days then remove continue with neosporin First I use peroxide 0.05% 1
depends on wound and what else I am doing 0.05% 1
depends on the type and severity of wound 0.05% 1
Depends on how deep is the wound 0.05% 1
honey only 0.05% 1
both 0.05% 1
depends on the type and severity of the injury 0.05% 1
bandage for 48 hours; then exposure to air 0.05% 1
change bandage 0.05% 1
Depends on true severity of the injury. 0.05% 1
Depends on severity of wound. 0.05% 1
Depends on how bad the wound is 0.05% 1
depends on the severity of the wound 0.05% 1
depends on the type of wound and its severity 0.05% 1
bandage on while doing activities which may dirty the wound. Bandage off whenever doing quieter stuff like sleeping, reading ... 0.05% 1
dpends on type of wound and how big 0.05% 1
gel or liquid wound seal 0.05% 1
nothing 0.05% 1
Apply liquid bandage. 0.05% 1
Wolf Blood 0.05% 1
R 0.05% 1
continue your day 0.05% 1
keep bandage off if at home and bandage it when out of house till it heals 0.05% 1
it depend on the circumstances and the time, I might bandage it if it happened late at night then remove it in the morning. 0.05% 1